Guidance for Returning to Work

Frequently asked questions regarding returning to work.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • I need help finding a new job. What are the resources available to me through the state?

    Check out the new schedule for upcoming virtual job fairs providing an easy, virtual opportunity for you to connect with hiring employers. Click on to review the schedule and to register as a job seeker or employer.

    The State of New Hampshire has launched a new jobs portal to assist job seekers connect with hiring employers located right here in New Hampshire. You can either go directly to the new jobs portal at or just click the above button for ‘NH JOBS’.

  • Weekly Work Search Requirements

    • The department requires claim filers to conduct a weekly work search as a condition for being considered eligible for unemployment benefits.
    • This requirement includes contacting hiring employers as well as conducting reemployment activities designed to prepare you for returning to work.
    • More information on meeting weekly search requirements is provided during the orientation workshop.
    • Some claim filers will be exempt from the work search requirement due to the circumstances of their unemployment. You should proceed as if required to satisfactorily complete a weekly work search as a condition for being eligible for benefits unless notified otherwise.
    • Please monitor your correspondence for additional information.
  • Can I still file if working part time?

    Yes, you are allowed to work part-time and still file for benefits but you may be earning too much to qualify for a benefit. Depending upon how much you earn will then determine whether you still receive a weekly benefit. You are allowed to earn up to 30% of your weekly benefit amount without any reduction. For earnings above 30% of your weekly benefit then your benefit is reduced dollar-for-dollar for every dollar above the 30%. Always, report all work and all earnings on your weekly continued claim. These earnings will be reported to the department by your employer. It is always better to have reported the information correctly on your weekly claim rather than receiving a call from a department investigator down the road.

  • When do I stop filing for Unemployment benefits?

    As soon as you start full-time work you are no longer eligible for unemployment benefits. When you start working full-time is when you should stop filing for benefits. You should not wait until you start getting paid for full-time work. Your return to work date will be reported to the department and will be compared to the weeks for which you have filed for benefits. Following this simple rule will ensure that you do not receive a call from a department investigator down the road.

  • Am I allowed to work while collecting unemployment benefits?

    You are not allowed to work full time and still collect unemployment benefits. However, you are allowed to work part-time and still be considered eligible but you may be earning too much to qualify for a benefit. Depending upon how much you earn will then determine whether you still receive a weekly benefit. You are allowed to earn up to 30% of your weekly benefit amount without any reduction. For earnings above 30% of your weekly benefit then your benefit is reduced dollar-for-dollar for every dollar above the 30%. Always report all work and all earnings on your weekly continued claim. These earnings will be reported to the department by your employer. It is always better to have reported the information correctly on your weekly claim rather than receive a call from a department investigator down the road.

  • What are the hours for the Unemployment Hotline (603) 271-7700:

    Agents stand ready on the UNEMPLOYMENT HOTLINE to answer your questions. The hotline number is (603) 271-7700. The hours of operation for the hotline are currently the following:

    • Monday-Friday 8:00am-4:30pm
    • Saturday CLOSED
    • Sunday CLOSED